Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh Right, I'm in Europe...

It's weird to think that I'm in Europe. Is that part of the definition of jet lag? It's like I don't realize that I traveled part way across the globe.  It feels kind of surreal, looking out my bedroom window at the Baltic Sea (pictures soon!).  It's kind of a shock being here I guess.  I don't understand any of the street signs (so many letters!), and even though most of the people speak English, I still feel out of place. Yesterday, the girls and I went into downtown Helsinki, around rush hour, which was a strange difference from home.  All of the traffic was people, not cars, because most people here use public transit. I was people watching like crazy.  All I can say is you know you're in Europe just by looking at what people are wearing.  Most of the guys were wearing things that most American men would not be caught dead in.  And the shoes! I felt most out of place by that! Every woman had on a stylin' pair of shoes, and they were all different! I might need to reconsider my shoe selection I brought with from home.  And I was only in the city for an hour! Crazy.  It's also hard to figure out what to eat when you can't read the labels. It makes me extra glad that I'm going to an English speaking country!  I'm sure I could figure it out after some time, but right now it is a little overwhelming.
Yesterday was rough, as I was fighting sleep all day and I was home alone for most of the day (makes it hard to stay awake), but I made it until 10:30pm or so and only woke up once at midnight and was pretty much awake at 7am. I really just feel like laying around and watching TV or reading.  I hope I can figure out how to watch some TV online here.  And I hope I can get over this jet lag fast, esp since I will change time zones again when I get to London next Tuesday (-2 hrs)! All I can say is thank God for coffee. And chocolate. Especially when they are together. Mmm... :)

1 comment:

  1. When my friend lived in Europe she noticed the same thing about the shoes....only American tourists wore tennis shoes! Love your blog..keep it up. Love, Aunt Mary
